Bloomington High School
Class of 1965
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Have a good one. Hope to see you in September for the 60th reunion. I'd vote to be 60 again...

Happy Birthday! See you in September for the reunion
One nice thing about getting older, you forget just how many birthdays you've had. Happy Birthday! Hope to see you at the reunion in September.
Happy Birthday to you. Hope you make the reunion in September.
January brings out a lot of birthdays for members of the class of 65. Hope yours is a good one. See you in September for the 60th?
I love all the Judy's in the class, especially on their birthdays. Happy Birthday. Hope to see you at the 60th in September. Hey, that may make a good song title...
Have a good one, Denny. Hope to see you at the 60th in September.
You've made it through this many years, hopefully we can all make it for four more. Happy Birthday!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and especially Happy Birthday to the brains of the class!
You did pretty well with our investments this part year, so I will wish you a Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, and a keep up the good work!
Merry Birthday? Happy Christmas? Now I'm confused....
So, you couldn't wait just one more day? Happy Birthday Christmas Kid!
It seems half of our class was born in December, and the other have in March. I guess there are a few straglers out there. Happy Birthday, Alan. Hope to see you at the reunion in September 2025

Just met a guy names Katchum. Forgot to ask if he was related to Katie who taught art at BJHS1.. Anyway, happy birthday to you. Hope to see you at the reunion next September. Might make a good song, 'See you in September'.
Well Mr. Dirks. Good to see you are alive. When out walking the dogs, I think of the MANY miles we did around the track at BHS.
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